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27 Dec, 2019
Travel diary in real-time – polar nights, deers, huskies and a little about the Sami life.
10 Dec, 2019
My book review in Swedish language of a life story about a man who cycled from India to Sweden
30 May, 2019
Debate Article on the topic that computers negatively affect the educational process.

About Me

Hey! My name is Marina and I live in Stockholm. Actually, I was born in Saint Petersburg where I lived almost all my life. Now I’m constantly looking for the similarities and differences between these two wonderful cities.

Here I share my knowledge in such areas of expertise as marketing and franchising. I also share my perspective on lifestyle. The latter I love the most! Here you can find the articles that I started writing back in 2014. I write in three languages: English, Swedish, and Russian. Welcome to my blog!

Quote of the day

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”

Napoleon Hill

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